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Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Day 13: Riddle Me This

Yesterday's (apologies for lateness) prompt was to write a riddle, so here is a riddle based on a game. If you know the game you'll get it straight off, but if not, comment with your answers! I'll give you something nice if you get it right!*

Ladies and gentlemen, riddle me this
What is the rule that allows things to fit
Into Happy Valley, the nicest of places
Where folks wander round with great smiles on their faces
Well, actually, not smiling, but grinning instead
As they gobble their dinners of focaccia bread
There are no dogs or cats, but puppies and kittens
No coats or scarves, but wellies and mittens
And despite what you might think, there are villains and baddies
Who weren't taught to behave by their mummies and daddies
But generally it is a carefree place
With no disasters or wars or invaders from space
So tell me at once! Do not dilly-dally!
What rule must you abide by to enter Happy Valley?

*I'm not going to lie, the nice thing will probably be a poem...


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